The Newbie Lolita: Part 1

So you've just discovered Lolita fashion.. it's beautiful! it's glorious! And you want to be a part of it more than anything. But, you don't know where to start.. questions racing through your mind as you wish to be a Lolita.

Well, I'm prepared to help as much as I can Newbie Lolita! Welcome to my little, simple and easy to follow posts about the basics of getting into Lolita Fashion.

TIP #1: Do your research!
This is more than a tip, it is a necessity!! Before you even think about buying, do lots and lots of research. I can't stress this enough. Anyone who wants to be a lolita wants to be a good lolita, so research is critical for this.

Where can I find information?

General information:

Another great source of information is from Lolita blogs! Find as many lolita blogs as possible and follow them all. Read and learn :) On my right side bar there are a list of "blogs to follow" which you might enjoy. Some of them are definitely not newbie friendly or information sources, but more of personal stuff so be weary of what is helpful and what is not.

TIP #2: Don't believe everything you read
Some sites put out so much false information. It's frustrating and misleading! (links above are reliable) When you're a beginner it's super hard to know what to believe and what to disgard. That leads to tip 3..

TIP #3: Communicate with Lolitas
Friendly, experienced and helpful lolitas will be happy to answer questions for you! If you're unsure about something or need advice you can ask them. Though, don't ask questions that can easily be answered by a google search eg. what are some lolita stores? what size does lolita come in? etc. Asking questions like this can be annoying and if you really want to get into lolita, you will do your own research.

Remember that research is very important, do a lot of it!

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